Search results for: working women

Women in IT need to be more vocal and less shy

Sabrina Karim, IT Product Implementation Specialist at Sophos, shares why she would like to see more women in the industry.

UK Women in IT Awards 2019 — winners revealed!

The awards, set in a glamorous London location, were a night to remember

Women’s Entrepreneurship Index highlights gender equality fight prevails

Gender equality in the workplace, unfortunately, still prevails. But if women think the answer is to set up on their own, they may need to think again.

Want more women in construction? Then give them proper toilets

FTSE companies urged to appoint more women leaders

A government-backed review has urged FTSE 350 companies to do more to meet the target of a third of women leaders by 2020.

Executives Driving Gender Equality – Flexible Working Think Tank

The importance of mentorship to get women into leadership roles

When it comes to CEOs of FTSE 100 companies, there are currently more men called Dave in these leadership roles than there are women overall.

How do we get more women returning to work to retrain into tech?

Tech Talent Charter signatories met in Manchester to tackle the question how do we get more women returning to work to retrain into tech?

Want to engage more talented women in 2018?

Start by being honest

UK’s top VCs revealed: 11 women to watch in investment