Search results for: working women

Can collaboration elevate women in the payments industry?

Magdalena Rutka, payments lead at Icon Solutions, explains how women can enter the payments industry and thrive — it’s all about collaboration.

Women in the automotive industry: Ford UK targeting the gender pay gap

Ford UK has diversity and inclusion firmly in its headlights, from enhanced maternity and paternity packages to diversity councils at local and national level.

Lessons all professionals can learn from hugely successful immigrant women

The three things successful immigrant women have in common that can propel any aspiring workplace ‘outsider’.

Demand for a four-day working week rises across the UK

New reports highlight how employees’ preference for a shorter working week could add to businesses’ bottom line.

Government reveals Investing in Women Code – a new initiative to propel female-led business

Plans to increase the number of British female entrepreneurs by 50% have taken a leap forward, with Women Code. Major banks and venture capital firms signalling their support.

Why women in STEM need to be the forerunners of change

Lori MacVittie, Principal Threat Evangelist at F5 Network, talks about her experience as a woman in the STEM industry and provides advice to inspire women in the sector.

Women in Finance winners: the formula to success in the industry

In the first of two interviews, we speak with eight inspirational winners of the Women in Finance Awards, on what it takes to be at the top of their game.

What the Women’s World Cup can teach us about improving diversity in tech

By the time the final match played out, the 2019 Women’s World Cup had already become a tipping point for gender diversity in football. Can the lessons learnt also help improve diversity in tech asks Deltatre?

Three steps to help women access technical retraining

Over £3bn could be added to the UK economy if more women took on STEM careers. It’s never too late to start a new career. Kate Koehn, Program Manager, Amazon Web Services (AWS), explains how technical retraining helped her do just that.

Shared Parental Leave: discrimination against working fathers?

Almost half of fathers who have taken time off to look after their new born children have suffered Shared parental leave discrimination at work according to a recent survey commissioned by software company PowWowNow.