Search results for: working from home

Shared Parental Leave: discrimination against working fathers?

Almost half of fathers who have taken time off to look after their new born children have suffered Shared parental leave discrimination at work according to a recent survey commissioned by software company PowWowNow.

Is remote working ruining your inclusive workplace culture?

Diversity and inclusion is still severely lacking in most technology companies, where minorities and women are substantially underrepresented. Here Shawn Farshchi, CEO of Topia, discusses whether remote working is the fueling the fire.

Agile working – is this viable for your flexible business?

Is it time for more businesses to embrace flexible working? And is flexible working right for all companies?

How to better support working parents

Here are six ways to cater to the needs of working parents

Executives Driving Gender Equality – Flexible Working Think Tank

Breaking gender stereotypes starts at home: Women in data explain

8 ways that businesses can support LGBT+ staff remotely

The office can be a leveller for some workers, that’s why employers must ensure groups, including LGBT+ staff feel supported when working from home

Coding course looks to improve diversity and inclusion in tech

With more people now working from home, new partnership aims to improve accessibility to anyone with a passion for coding.

Winning DE&I strategy at BNP Paribas

Women in Finance award winner Ama Ocansey shares why it is essential to understand your business’s priorities to advance DE&I.

Good intentions aren’t enough for disability inclusion, says Business Disability Forum

Breaking barriers – and interview with Diane Lightfoot, CEO of BDF