Search results for: pandemic

Why the D&I code can’t be cracked without white male leadership

McKenzie-Delis explains why we must stop preaching to the converted on D&I

How data is the prescription for better healthcare

Could a healthy dose of data provide an holistic understanding of people’s wellbeing?

Traditional workplace conflict resolution no longer “fit for purpose”

Formal conflict resolution procedures are costly and bad for staff mental health, says a recent report

Blackstone appoints Devin Glenn as Global Head of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

The investment firm has appointed Devin Glenn to a global D&I role

Father’s Day: what businesses can do to improve the equal parenting gap

What are workplaces doing to recognise the needs of Dads in the workplace?

How to create an inclusive workplace for Long Covid sufferers

Is Long Covid having a debilitating impact on your employees?

Your questions answered

WIT UK Summit speakers answer some of your questions from the live event Q&A…

Business leaders discuss the building blocks of inclusive mentorship

The speakers discussed the nuances involved in building a truly inclusive mentorship programme

Congratulations to the winners of the Women in IT UK Awards 2021!

The Women in IT UK Awards shone a light on the inspiring tech role models of today

The Diversity Playbook: Q&A with Hephzi Pemberton

The time has arrived for inclusion. The Diversity Playbook shares how to make it happen