Search results for: gender diversity

My Bravest Year: a lesson in female self-empowerment

My Bravest Year, a programme meant to aid female leaders across the technology industry, is now seeing significant results.

Key factors female-led businesses need to consider to secure funding

Sam Smith, founder and CEO of finnCap Group plc, summarises the key factors female-led businesses need to consider when seeking to raise growth capital. She also outlines some of the challenges they face.

Upskilling: the key to employee wellbeing and skills gap

The Myers-Briggs Company advocates learning and upskilling to close the digital skills gap that continues to rise.

Study highlights the lack of recognisable role models and women in STEM

UK workers in STEM struggle to name key role models in their industry and are more likely to recognise the Big Bang Theory’s Dr Sheldon Cooper over celebrated real-life scientists and mathematicians, highlights new research.

Women C-Suite ranks nudge up—a tad

More women are holding the nation’s most important corporate roles, just not that many more.

How inclusivity will grow your business

Growing your culture is key to exponentially scaling your business and inclusivity is pivotal to achieving this. When leadership create conditions for diverse thinking, the whole business can thrive.

7 ways for women in tech to succeed

Women remain heavily underrepresented in the tech industry worldwide

Mental Health Awareness: workplace wellbeing improves with age

Deloitte seeks untapped tech talent amongst return to work employees

Ceresa: radically improving mentoring for all women