Search results for: female entrepreneurs

So you’ve decided to celebrate International Women’s Day!

Well done! But are your International Women’s Day efforts worth their salt and truly inspiring today’s women of the world?

Visa champions a new decade for women’s empowerment

In advance of International Women’s Day, Visa unveils grant programmes with Hand in Hand International and IFundWomen.

The bigger the firm, the less likely a woman runs it, finds new SME study

Female SME founders fare better outside the UK capital says tech company report on 22,000 British businesses.

Working mums calling for more flexibility in the workplace

Despite numerous government policies to incentivise working mums in the workplace, retention is still a significant struggle.

Enabling more women to thrive in leadership positions in business

Roxana Mohammadian-Molina discusses what could be done to level the playing field and enable more women to thrive in leadership positions.

How women can overcome impostor syndrome at work

Despite women making inroads in business, many still experience impostor syndrome

7 diversity hiring tips for SMEs

Hiring the right talent for your SME is essential, but are you thinking about diversity?

Strategies for diversity: Q&A with Sarah Kaiser from Fujitsu

Sarah Kaiser talks about her experiences delivering successful D&I strategies.

How women can break out of the gender box when raising funds

REPORT: UK women in finance face the largest pay gap across sectors