Search results for: encourage diversity

How to attract more women into cybersecurity

Only a quarter of cybersecurity professionals are female

WIT Ireland Awards: winners building the female tech pipeline

Across the categories, winners were going the extra mile to bring more women and girls into STEM

UKG initiative to advance pay equity for women and minorities

The initiative will try to resolve pay disparity between men, women, and underrepresented groups

Prince Harry’s employer BetterUp backs Pledge 1%

Pledge 1% asks firms to give 1% of their equity, staff time, product or profit to their communities

Purple CEO launches accessibility-led online marketplace

EnableAll will place accessibility at the heart of the online customer experience

Women in tech demand more career development

There are more women in tech, but they aren’t getting the professional development they want

Healthcare systems need more women at senior level

Professor Nora Colton is on a mission to improve healthcare systems around the world

Robert Goddard – Compassionate and Inclusive Leader – BAME HCAs

2021’s joint winter of the Compassionate and Inclusive Leader – Initiative award at The National BAME Health & Care Awards 2021 shares his vision for racial equity in British healthcare

How workplaces can better support men’s mental health

There is still a long way to go in opening up about men’s mental health

Lynette Wieland on breaking law’s class and cognitive barriers

Wieland believes the sector can be enriched by socially diverse and neurodiverse talent