More businesses need to address and solve #MeToo issues
With new research on sexual harassment in the workplace, businesses need to establish how to prevent #MeToo issues from continuing.
With new research on sexual harassment in the workplace, businesses need to establish how to prevent #MeToo issues from continuing.
Brexit is causing a lot of change and unknown within businesses, which is causing employees to experience anxiety and stress. Businesses should counter this by upskilling their workers.
Creating a fairer society where people are not treated differently because of the colour of their skin, their sex, gender, sexuality or religion is central to British values.
Protecting people from discrimination is central to achieving that, says the Commons Women and Equality Committee.
The three things successful immigrant women have in common that can propel any aspiring workplace ‘outsider’.
FedEE’s Secretary-General Robin Chater outlines findings of a study into gender discrimination and the need for female participation in the workplace.
1 in 7 people experience mental health problems in the workplace. Which industries are working the hardest to bring these figures down?
Dr Tendu Yogurtcu, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at software company Syncsort, explains how a love of mathematics set her on her chosen career in the technology industry.
Jonathon Gilplin assesses women’s relationship with STEM and manufacturing industries and provides ways that companies can decrease the gender gap in the industry.
New studies have revealed a gender sleep gap, which is affecting women’s day to day life. Stephanie Romiszewski, Bensons for Beds Sleep Expert, shares tips on how to sleep better.
The MediaCom mental health ally scheme, novel recruitment process, and reverse mentoring are fostering an inclusive environment