Search results for: diverse talent

Udacity: talent acquisition and CSR working together to boost DEI

Udacity’s Robin Hood approach to recruiting diverse talent in STEM

Creative Spirit – the force creating the IDD talent pool

Creative Spirit is shifting employer attitudes towards IDD hiring, one candidate at a time

SmartBear fills two senior positions in talent acquisition and D&I comms

The software provider is hiring globally following growth in 2020

Shifting the way we see tech talent

Should qualifications cease being the priority when assessing applicants for tech roles?

Student programme launched to broaden talent pipeline entering investment industry

#TalkAboutBlack teams up with CFA, Encircle and 60 investment firms for The Skills Workshop for university students

Wells Fargo joins ten year mission to create 1 million sustainable roles for Black talent

The financial services firm joins a coalition of nearly 50 US organisations

Talent pipeline a barrier to diversity in the tech industry

Encouraging more women and people from diverse backgrounds into the tech sector is high on the agenda for UM CEO Gladys Kong

Talent firm’s new initiative will help employers pursue real diversity

A new initiative by talent acquisition firm Guidant Global promises real diversity in recruitment for employers via the help of D&I experts

New programme to produce the diverse boardroom leaders of tomorrow

The “2021-22 NextGen Directors Program” wants to prepare diverse individuals for boardroom roles

Teknion CIO on the importance of fostering multi-generational talent

John Comacchio, Senior Vice President and CIO at Teknion talks about the importance of fostering multi-generational talent