Search results for: company culture

Disabled knowledge workers limited by outdated workplace technology

Six in ten disabled knowledge workers say their organisation “talks a good game about diversity without really acting.

Three steps to help women access technical retraining

Over £3bn could be added to the UK economy if more women took on STEM careers. It’s never too late to start a new career. Kate Koehn, Program Manager, Amazon Web Services (AWS), explains how technical retraining helped her do just that.

How businesses can attract, onboard, and retain college graduates

Tips on how businesses can better their workplace, so that it appeals to college graduates and prevents them from wanting to leave.

Deeds not words: the key to employee inclusivity at JDX

A culture of inclusivity, coaching and empowerment has been pivotal to JDX’s sustained global success and is a cornerstone of why it continues to attract diverse, high-quality talent from all walks of life.

The rise of presenteeism and its impact in the workplace

Lucinda Pullinger, Global Head of HR at Instant Offices, explores the rise and impact of presenteeism in the modern workplace

How diversity can help creativity in the workplace – and save your job from robots

Sopra Steria Recruitment joins directory committed to disabled workers

How a diverse workforce can help fight cyber-attacks

How to avoid workplace discrimination

Discrimination in the workplace continues to be an issue, despite being against the law

Gen Z: blurring the lines between work and play

Peldon Rose research highlights Gen Z’s expectations of the workplace and the changes required to attract and retain top young talent.