Systemic discrimination is alive and well across the world
Systemic discrimination is everywhere, as the Irish job market and the worldwide Green Climate Fund face criticism.
Systemic discrimination is everywhere, as the Irish job market and the worldwide Green Climate Fund face criticism.
Concerns have rightfully been raised about the continuing lack of diversity in the boardroom.
The Black talent exodus: will the current climate force corporate America into action to stem the tide?
More than 900 chartered firms will have D&I strategy in place at year-end says CII
Sterling Grey, at The Chemistry Group, doesn’t put much stock in using traditional CVs; and with very good reason.
Diversity fatigue describes the uphill struggle that equality, diversity and inclusion professionals face everyday.
Virtual leadership is now the ‘new normal’. Expert and author Dr Penny Pullan, shares how to get it right.
Britain’s Gender-Investment Gap accelerates with venture capitalists’ investment in all-female founding start-ups almost non-existent
Members of #talkaboutblack discuss racism in society and the workplace and practical steps to address it
Will coronavirus amplify the already existing unconscious bias in the corporate world and in venture capital?