Search results for: biases

How organisations can use BlackRock’s discrimination case to improve their D&I

Two ex-BlackRock employees have said their experience at the firm was defined by racism and other acts of discrimination. Here’s what other organisations can learn from the scandal

The rise of pandemic-driven xenophobia: why we need to fight back

Threats to humanity, particularly the insidious nature of pandemics, increase xenophobic behaviour in humans. Why?

reboot. series: Be yourself, be authentic, be persistent

In this first interview, Invesco CEO Doug Sharp asks Ronnie Ahluwalia about the progress seen in reducing racial inequalities in the workplace

Female technology leaders give advice on breaking into the industry

Female leaders from tech workforce development company, Pluralsight offer other women advice about breaking into the industry including what they’ve learned along the way

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

There is little sign of improvement for gender inclusivity in senior roles, tech and accounting industries in the UK

Failing gender inclusivity in the UK’s most successful industries

It’s no secret that a diverse workforce helps create a successful business—so why are so many organisations in the UK not gender-diverse? What needs to be done to change the status quo?

Organisation goes remote to solve journalism’s diversity issue

A mentorship scheme for journalists has gone online during lockdown. Will it help open up the sector to BAME and working-class candidates?

Diversity, equality and inclusion are for the whole organisation, not just HR

Global Director Sheree Atcheson is demanding more Demanding More organisation’s DE&I strategies to drive meaningful change

AI-powered recruitment can be racist or sexist – and here’s why

With over 30 years of experience, an advisor to the UK and Indian Governments, Was Rahman knows a thing or two on the use of AI and data

Turning Talk into Action: How to implement an effective DE&I strategy

Time to walk the talk when it comes to DE&I strategies. Sheree Atcheson, Peakon’s Global Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion shows us how