Search results for: Remote working

Has the pandemic era changed workplace culture?

Critical conversations and company culture matter more than ever to new employees, says Barnes

Six books by inspirational Asian authors to add to your office library

This list of books from Asian authors provide insight into true life stories and experiences

How to create an inclusive workplace for Long Covid sufferers

Is Long Covid having a debilitating impact on your employees?

The Women in IT UK Summit tackles sustainability and D&I infrastructure

This year’s summit explored how to integrate sustainability initiatives with diversity and inclusion

Active allyship the key to better diversity and inclusion

Trish Foster knows all there is to know about active allyship, the problem of white privilege and tackling racial bias

8 hacks to combat loneliness at work

Cheryl Rickman on how to navigate your way from loneliness to connection – with others and yourself – as we return to the office

Diversity Delayed: how reliance on skills over potential is obstructing D&I plans

People leaders’ well-meaning D&I plans are being derailed by outdated hiring practices. Here is how to propel change

Opportunities and pitfalls -fairness and inclusion as we return to work

After months of theoretical ‘what if’ scenario planning for the return to work, end of lockdown roadmaps are finally being rolled out

Let’s talk about multi-generational workforces

Paula Hunter, Executive Director, Mojaloop Foundation

5 proven ways to foster curiosity, productivity and trust in your company

Sparking employee curiosity can boost employee engagement and trust, says Harris