Search results for: HR experience

Three steps to help women access technical retraining

Over £3bn could be added to the UK economy if more women took on STEM careers. It’s never too late to start a new career. Kate Koehn, Program Manager, Amazon Web Services (AWS), explains how technical retraining helped her do just that.

7 Game of Thrones characters your business could learn from – part V


With the much-anticipated final season now over, DiversityQ takes a closer look at the minority characters in Game of Thrones (GoT) and how their diversity not only enriches the plot but helps those in power, stay in power.

Enabling more women to thrive in leadership positions in business

Roxana Mohammadian-Molina discusses what could be done to level the playing field and enable more women to thrive in leadership positions.

Demand for CEOs with tech experience increases by 27%, according to study

Moorepay to offer mental health support as part of its HR services package

Study finds diverse members of the tech sector experience discrimination and stress

Why businesses must look beyond ‘inspirational women’ to shrink the gender divide

Women make up half of the world’s population, and yet, in the workplace, they’re still considered the minority. It doesn’t quite add up.

Glassdoor reveals a UK gender pay gap still exists, but is slowly shrinking

Millennials are the hardest employees to engage, say HR

Almost half (48%) of HR professionals say millennials make up the majority of non-desk workforces, but 32% consider them the hardest group to engage.

BMC’s ‘connected’ employee experience boosts digital workplace

Flexible working, better employee experience and keeping people connected is the recipe for attracting diverse talent, says Monika Fahlbusch.