Search results for: Equity

Event sees 155% increase in number of students wanting careers in tech

#GirlTechWM targeted female students and young people with disabilities

The Hamilton Commission offers solutions to boost the 1% Black representation in F1 and beyond

The Hamilton Commission offers a series of actionable recommendations to increase diverse participation in motorsport and STEM more broadly

“A Letter to My White Friends and Colleagues” – a manual on being a better ally to Black communities

In his book, Rogers’ explains how white people can actively help bridge the racial wealth gap

Digital agencies lack age, gender and race diversity but score well on LGBT+ inclusion

Digital marketing has a higher number of LGBT+ identifying staff than the UK population average

Letesia Gibson on coaching leaders to be “instinctively inclusive”

Letesia Gibson runs a course for leaders who want to proactively tackle racism in their workplace

FTSE 350 firms that lack senior female representation face profits crisis, finds new report

Gender parity in senior FTSE 350 roles could generate £123 billion for the UK economy

Remote work will deliver accessible opportunities – Here’s why

Nicole Sahin argues that remote working is helping to level the playing field on a global scale

Inclusive workplaces are not about fitting in but being who you are

Tara Ataya at Hootsuite believes vulnerability is the key to challenging gender bias

Making race discussions “a celebration of difference” in the workplace

1000 Black Voices founder Dr. Shaw says organisations have to get comfortable talking about race

Why the D&I code can’t be cracked without white male leadership

McKenzie-Delis explains why we must stop preaching to the converted on D&I