Search results for: Diversity and inclusion

Will online courses help women get confident about coding and tech careers?

The coding bootcamp reveals four main concerns women have around coding

How to spot and deal with microaggressions against transgender staff

Microaggressions can be just as damaging to mental health as other forms of discrimination

People, performance and development: businesses’ most important assets

The first step to optimising performance is realising that people are your most valuable assets

Jayne Styles on the importance of building a culture of inclusion

Inclusion is not just about recruitment and cannot be done without a comprehensive strategy

20 ways to achieve organisational inclusion

Here are 20 things organisations can do to become more inclusive which could boost staff wellbeing, productivity and recruitment interest

IMI reveals plan to boost senior diversity in automotive sector

Diverse representation is low across the automotive workforce but especially in senior roles

NatWest and Meta partnership to support growth of female-led businesses

To be neurodiversity inclusive look at the whole workforce and avoid labels

It isn’t useful to divide staff into neurodiverse and neurotypical camps, says Professor Boddison

New Commission examines how to better harness talent diversity

Lord Shinkwin leads new commission driving diversity, equity and inclusion

IT Labs strives for gender equality and a diverse future

At IT Labs, diversity is an ordinary, not extraordinary, feature