Search results for: inclusive workplace

How to promote more diversity in your recruitment process

Peter Linas is the EVP of Corporate Development & International at Bullhorn takes the strain out of the diversity recruitment process.

Female employment rate hits an all-time high in the UK

More women in jobs than ever according to new female employment figures.

The Valuable 500: disability inclusion in businesses campaign takes off

Caroline Casey explains why she started The Valuable 500 and calls on businesses to stop being ‘diversish.’

35% of the top 100 UK companies fail to mention matters related to LGBTQ+

Research unveiled has identified that 35% of FTSE 100 companies have failed to include any reference to matters relating to the LGBTQ+ community within their annual reports.

Diversity and Inclusion: Better inclusion equals a bigger pie for everyone

In this interview, Diana Cruz Solash tells DiversityQ about her plans to transform Infor into a leader in inclusion and diversity by setting the right policies, programmes and culture.

Why diversity and inclusion must be embedded in the culture

Rita Trehan, global strategist, makes a case for building a business culture where diversity and inclusion plays an integral part.

Mental health allies lead the way in MediaCom’s inclusion strategy

The MediaCom mental health ally scheme, novel recruitment process, and reverse mentoring are fostering an inclusive environment

Returners’ Programme helps dxw digital to re-launch careers

dxw digital is piloting a Returners’ Programme to provide opportunities for skilled people to re-enter the workplace after an extended period away. Managing Director David Mann explains why this is good for business and improving diversity.

Board diversity in the US is on the rise, but still has a way to go

Statistics show that US companies are beginning to create a more diverse boardroom. But while boardroom diversity is increasing, Deb DeHaas believes it’s far from a level playing field.

Do you have a disabled child or children? Should your employer care?

Suzy Rowland, Founder and CEO of the #happyinschool project, on whether employers should extend benefits to employees with disabled children.