Search results for: equality

There are more reasons to rethink dress codes than just hot weather

The case for a rethink of dress codes in the workplace

How to embed diversity into your workforce

Learn how to embed diversity and inclusion and avoid “diversity fatigue”

WORK180 launches Gender Diversity Think Tank

Meeting of the new UK Think Tank, EDGE (Executives Driving Gender Equality), was, in the words of attendees, “powerful”, “vital” and “very timely”.

The truth about unconscious bias training

Unconscious bias training is a popular method for company diversity and inclusion initiatives, but does it actually work?

What does a good employer look like?

Work 180 co-founder Gemma Lloyd’s insights on what a good employer looks like, how she solves employers’ problems and Work180’s impact and social mission.

Why ITN’s decision to admit its BAME pay gap was smarter than it looks

Julia Rampen explore’s the reasoning behind ITN publishing its BAME pay gap data

What can we learn from major UK Supermarket equal pay claims?

Three supermarkets face a giant back-pay liability running into millions of pounds. What can we learn from major UK Supermarket equal pay claims?

Diversity in DevOps with Marianne Calder

We speak with Marianne Calder from Puppet about diversity in DevOps, her career path and her thoughts on the future of the sector and STEM.

Workplace diversity in the NHS

Ensuring that employee demographics continue to reflect the communities it serves is a perpetual challenge for hiring managers and HR leaders.

Diversity and inclusion is more than just ethnicity and gender