Search results for: equality at home

Advice for employers about being inclusive to Muslim employees during Ramadan

Ramadan is a big part of Islamic identity, and employers should support observant staff

How Oracle NetSuite is breaking the bias for women in tech

The tech giant is accelerating the pace of gender equality in the industry

US Treasury ready to leave no stone unturned to create a fair economy

The goal is to create a fair and financially secure economy for all

Skillsoft and iamtheCODE learning partnership to target African refugee camps

The partnership will help upskill communities in Africa’s largest refugee camps

Women in Finance Champion releases recommendations for financial services firms

The paper includes four key areas for firms to focus on to improve senior female representation

Advanced receives nomination for pro-disability hiring

The firm is diversifying its talent pipeline to include those with disabilities and chronic illness

The sky is the limit for gender diversity in financial services

Role models are great, but without supportive policies, female talent could still leave

How to attract more women into cybersecurity

Only a quarter of cybersecurity professionals are female

Women at greater risk of ‘invisibility bias’ at work post-COVID

“Invisibility bias” is an unconscious bias that can affect employees who aren’t office based

Equal Pay Day: the days women work ‘for free’ grows

Equal Pay Day is two days earlier this year, signifying the decline of women’s pay equity