Search results for: covid 19

4 things White people can do to be ‘proactive anti-racists’

Saying “I don’t treat people differently” is not enough. In this day and age, we need to be proactive anti-racists. This is how we do it.

Investment industry floods social media with support for #TalkAboutBlack and Diversity Project’s #IAM campaign

#TalkAboutBlack and Diversity Project campaign to fight against the reductive stereotype

Why the gender pay gap is at risk of widening once more

As researchers warn COVID-19 could widen the gender pay gap, many companies show no commitment to tackling the gap.

Are we being heard corporate America?

A nation on fire about black American rights and voices may serve as a wake-up call to a corporate world still lacking diversity.

How to better equip yourself to manage a remote workforce

As the COVID-19 epidemic has thrown the office out the window, Chad Reid of Jotform discusses how best to manage a remote workforce.

Femtech Partners: opening fintech to women in South East Asia

FemTech Partners’ Neha Mehta is on a mission to attract more women to fintech, boost equality and drive financial inclusion.

Has the progress on the gender pay gap been lost?

A report by the Institute for Fiscal Studies has unearthed worrying truths about the gender pay gap during the lockdown.

“Plenty of positives” in annual survey of people professionals

Job satisfaction in the people profession is at high (with room for improvement), suggests the latest CIPD and Workday survey.

How to stand out as a business leader during a crisis

Leadership isn’t an easy job at the best of times, but during a crisis, it’s the ultimate test for any business leader.

Businesses answer the cries for disability inclusion – but we aren’t there yet

Airbnb, Mitsubishi Chemical, Nationwide, SAP, UniCredit and Wipro sign up to global disability inclusion movement – The Valuable 500