Search results for: role model

Ex Netflix CPO launches $3.5m diversity in tech initiative at Durham University

Durham University recieve $3.5 million donation to support diversity and future generations of leadership in technology.

How to attract and nurture talent in the renewable energy sector

Relevant specialist knowledge and skills are vital to success in this growing industry. Lee Clarke at Dynama outlines three ways strategic workforce planning will help to boost competency while championing diversity and inclusivity in the renewable energy sector.

How STEMettes helps young women solve problems using tech

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon, Founder of Stemettes on improving STEM take-up in young women, staring in a music video and Brexit.

As a leader how did you affect the mental health of your people today?

Leaders unknowingly or unknowingly impact the mental health of their people every single day, says Natasha Wallace, Chief Coach at Conscious Works

Women in tech – best practices for gender equality

Gender equality in the tech sector has a long way to go. Especially when tech’s leaky pipeline sees women leave the industry at a 45% higher rate than men.

How to encourage more girls to choose a career in STEM careers

There may not be a clear difference between female and male careers, but society certainly believes that some roles are more suited to girls and others to boys. But what happens when a girl wants to shed the stereotype and pursue a career in STEM?

Investors must embrace diversity now and invest in diverse founders

Vegard Medbø and Fridtjof Berge, co-founders of Antler, explain why investors must embrace diversity now and look to emerging markets .

Why diversity and inclusion must be embedded in the culture

Rita Trehan, global strategist, makes a case for building a business culture where diversity and inclusion plays an integral part.

Syncsort: championing D&I fuels tech innovation and business success

Dr Tendu Yogurtcu, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at software company Syncsort, explains how a love of mathematics set her on her chosen career in the technology industry.

Returners’ Programme helps dxw digital to re-launch careers

dxw digital is piloting a Returners’ Programme to provide opportunities for skilled people to re-enter the workplace after an extended period away. Managing Director David Mann explains why this is good for business and improving diversity.