Search results for: furlough

New programme gives disadvantaged youths access to green-economy employers

A new initiative is helping young people from disadvantaged backgrounds meet employers from innovative sectors, including low-carbon, tech, and advanced manufacturing businesses

Why homeworking shouldn’t be blamed for the COVID-19 mental health crisis

Workers are suffering from mounting stress and job burnout as COVID-19 continues, could the remote working model be the pandemic’s next victim?

Disability bias and plastic waste: the startup fighting for double impact

MELIOR is a British startup that aims to employ people with disabilities. It is also producing sustainable products in an attempt to stem the UK’s plastic waste problem

Anxious or Anxiety?: The signs and solutions to the anxiety crisis

The pandemic has triggered an anxiety crisis, and psychologist Tracey Moggeridge offers tips on managing it

The reason(s) why businesses are stalling on gender pay gap reporting

After having last year off, UK businesses have to submit their gender pay gap data by April 4. Why are they being slow in coming forward?

Lockdown reveals employee confidence crisis

Workers are struggling with their self-esteem during Covid-19, but these issues are part of a longer-term problem

Bias in recruitment: over-50s three times more likely to be long-term unemployed

Centre for Ageing Better warns that attitudes towards the over-50s risk them being shut out of employment

Remote working is here to stay, regardless of a COVID-19 vaccine

The roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines gives the world a chance for life to go back to normal, but remote working isn’t going anywhere

Employers must prioritise D&I efforts to champion workers in Lockdown 3.0

As the reality of the next few months sinks in, more parents once again face the hardships of home schooling and home working, or furlough

BAME community face triple whammy of COVID-19 threats

A recent ONS study reveals the extent of how the COVID-19 pandemic has threatened the health and happiness of the BAME community