Search results for: furlough

8 tips on making your small business accessible to disabled employees

Want to know how to make sure your business remains accessible to disabled colleagues? Business Disability Forum’s Parma Sira has the answers

Long Covid poses tough challenges for HR

An estimated one in ten people experiences long COVID, with the unknown nature of the condition set to increase internal pressures on Human Resource

iStock data reveals businesses aren’t making their visual communications inclusive enough

While businesses are featuring more BAME women in their visual communications, when illustrating working life during COVID-19, women remain the caregivers

Alleviating the burdens of working mothers in COVID-19 and beyond

The pressures faced by working mothers can cause many to leave the workforce for good, this female founder believes that employers need to learn the lesson of flexibility if they want to retain them

New Enterprise Academy to level up inequalities for Black business community

The Black British Business Awards has launched an Academy for Black businesses, giving them the advice and skills building opportunities to beat COVID-19, Brexit, and long-term inequalities

Has COVID-19 unlocked womens’ potential in cybersecurity?

COVID-19 has been devastating to many sectors, but not cybersecurity were women are feeling more assured in their roles than ever before. But more work needs to be done to get women into the industry

Do disabled people stand to benefit from the Spring Budget?

Despite offering effective assistance for businesses and employees during COVID-19, the Spring Budget didn’t provide any information about financial backing for its upcoming “National Disability Strategy”

The gender pension gap widens for women in their twenties

Women in their twenties will have to work 37 more years than men to achieve income parity

Has male-female allyship suffered during COVID-19?

The evidence out there points to the fact that women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement, according to a new study

Spring Budget 2021: the outcome for BAME entrepreneurs, women, and older apprentices

The policies revealed in the Spring Budget focused on business survival during COVID-19. But they could also protect and empower more underrepresented groups in business than it intended