Search results for: recruitment and retention

Confidence gaps and “systematic issues” bar women (and women of colour) from leadership roles

In yesterday’s online event, participants discussed the barriers holding women back from leadership roles in the tech industry

Get ready for our Talent Acquisition & Retention Virtual Summit

Our upcoming “Talent Acquisition & Retention Virtual Summit” will explore how to attract and retain the best talent in an inclusive way post COVID-19 where workplace values have shifted considerably

On-demand pay can support your employees’ social mobility…

…and your bottom line. Here’s why the minority-owned DailyPay app has been working hard to close the U.S. wage gap

Half of leaders and managers would not employ a neurodivergent person

People with neurodivergent conditions are more likely to be excluded in the workplace and less likely to be hired

Axiom releases new Diversity Report and Diversity by Design framework

The global leader in legal talent launches Diversity by Design, reaffirming the company’s commitment to diversity and inclusion

Women in Asset Management: should corporate diversity be mandated?

After years of discussing the benefits of diversity in the workplace, why have more companies not achieved meaningful progress?

A practical guide to diversity and inclusion in startups

How to do diversity and inclusion for startups the right way? Here is what Perrine Farque at Inspired Humans had to say…

Diversity and Inclusion: the recipe for a perfectly made organisational cake

A diverse and inclusive organisation is like a fruit cake with the ingredients spread evenly and consistently throughout the mixture

One women’s considerable drive to pursue D&I in the Oil and Gas industry

Lame Verré talks about diversity and inclusiveness in the sector

How employee resource groups can help drive equity and inclusion

Why are employee resource groups invaluable to D&I? Dr Don Trahan explains, ahead of his talk at the DQ D&I Practitioners Summit in March.