Search results for: The great resignation

The new war on working from home

Boris Johnson has called for people working from home to return to the office – but who will benefit?

Meet the four-day week recruiter offering staff ‘above-inflation’ salaries

MRL Consulting Group has reported a 30% productivity boost through a shorter week, what will above-inflation salaries achieve?

Why it’s important for U.S. employers to address retention risks

Over 50% of contingent workers who leave an assignment early quit within the first two months. U.S. employers should talk about redeployment

Mind the career gap: supporting women in technology

Businesses need to be making real change to increase numbers

US household income by age, gender, education and more

Household income in the US usually rises per year but COVID-19 changed things

Social advocacy: a key to inclusive engagement, recruitment and retention

Employee brand advocates on social media can shape an inclusive and engaged culture

The four-day week; the successor to remote and hybrid working?

COVID-19 accelerated remote and hybrid work styles; will it do the same for the shorter week too?

Internal communicators are the voice of new DEI initiatives

Is how you are communicating with your people driving meaningful DEI change?

Advanced receives nomination for pro-disability hiring

The firm is diversifying its talent pipeline to include those with disabilities and chronic illness

Tips on mentoring disenfranchised employees

These insights from sports can be applied to effective mentoring strategies this year