Search results for: HR

Job seekers fuel growing demand for Disability Confident employers

New search engine filter giving people a direct line to Disability Confident employers.

Bring the women back to tech, or risk a gender brain drain

Agile working – is this viable for your flexible business?

Is it time for more businesses to embrace flexible working? And is flexible working right for all companies?

Sidelined, ignored or overlooked? Why women in technology need to be more self-assured

Positive action to promote equality in the workplace

Positive action is an important tool in dismantling gender barriers in employment. It is also an underused enabler of widespread equality.

Mirova partners with UN on global equity fund to increase gender diversity

Shedding D&I’s ‘made in the USA’ label

Lawyers warn ‘one size fits all’ fix is not an elixir for workplace stress

Employers need to seriously change the way they manage workplace stress, says leading law firm Prettys.

How Tim Cook has used Apple to turn diversity into a priority for tech firms

Apple under Steve Jobs was associated with innovation, not diversity. His successor has made it clear he thinks the two are closely linked. 

CIPD calls for enhanced management training to curb stress at work

Two-fifths of UK businesses have seen a rise in stress-related absence in 12 months, with heavy workloads and poor management style to blame.