Search results for: carers

Applications for diverse business journalism course closes soon

Applications for a business journalism course closes soon, with budding journalists from underrepresented backgrounds encouraged to apply

Diverse employees and £40bn: the gains of flexible working

Flexible working means greater employment access for disabled talent and more

Women in IT UK

Cultural-matching app for care sector launches

The app uses AI technology to help patients receive care based on cultural understanding

Advanced receives nomination for pro-disability hiring

The firm is diversifying its talent pipeline to include those with disabilities and chronic illness

Letter to prime minister – impact of Omicron on disabled people

There are concerns about the impact of Omicron on sick pay and homeworking for disabled people

Tackling the taboo of Child to Parent Abuse in the workplace

Around one in 10 employees could be victims of Child to Parent Abuse (CPA)

A majority of UK’s ‘top jobs’ pay men more on average

Some job positions have lower gender pay gaps than the 2021 average, but this isn’t enough

The role Middle Eastern men need to play in supporting the growth of female leaders

Today there are considerable opportunities for women and men to re-design the future of leadership to foster inclusion

APPG report breaks down five-step reminder for pursuing EDI in the UK’s creative sector

Focusing on underrepresentation in the UK’s creative sector, the report outlines why certain EDI strategies are important to achieve inclusion