Search results for: female entrepreneurs

BGF joins The Diversity Project to champion an inclusive workplace culture

The UK’s most active investor in growth businesses takes Advisory Board position at The Diversity Project

Black American Founder Fellowship aims to boost entrepreneurial diversity

The Founder Institute has helped thousands of budding entrepreneurs around the world to realise their ambitions

SheaMoisture launch UK social justice coalition supporting people of colour

New SheaMoisture $126,000 investment to be shared equally among five US and one British activist fighting for social change

Supermums: empowering women to work in technology

Supermums is on a mission to get more women into technology and tackle workplace gender inequality

The other gap that no one is talking about

Data shows that women are in principle keen on investing, yet in reality few do

Why private equity offers a “brilliant career for women

Fewer women work in private equity than in any other area of the financial sector

Femtech Partners: opening fintech to women in South East Asia

FemTech Partners’ Neha Mehta is on a mission to attract more women to fintech, boost equality and drive financial inclusion.

IWD advice from ladies who have been there and done that

As part of its focus on International Women’s Day, DiversityQ spoke to four strong women in Tech who have seen it all…

Ada Ventures invests £27m in tech start-ups ignored by VC

Ada Ventures will invest £500,000 apiece in 30 tech start-ups run by minorities often overlooked by traditional venture capital.

Joanne Lockwood: treat transgender and non-binary people as people

Employers need to do more to support people who are transgender or non-binary and not allow them to be afraid of who they are. Joanne Lockwood, an inclusion and belonging specialist, explains how.