Search results for: inclusion

Accenture: improving diversity and inclusion in technology

Salwa Rafee, global managing director, healthcare security at Accenture, shares the importance of improving levels of D&I in tech

Workspace provider partners with LGBTQ+ organisation to create “real” inclusion

Certified Proud will help Huckletree boost LGBTQ+ inclusion in its business

Why are organisations ignoring the business case for disability inclusion?

Hiring people with disabilities is good for revenue, so why are firms stalling on inclusion? Diversability CEO Tiffany Yu says leaders need to self-reflect if they want to unplug their bias

How employee ownership aids diversity and inclusion

When employees don’t feel included, they are more likely to leave. Michael Levin shares how to keep hold of your diverse talent

Healthcare provider signs pledge to end pinkwashing and improve “real” LGBT+ inclusion

A healthcare provider has proven that it’s serious about LGBT+ inclusion

Anthony Nolan hires Arti Agrawal as new Director of Inclusion, Diversity and Involvement

UK charity Anthony Nolan has announced the appointment of Arti Agrawal as its new Director of Inclusion, Diversity and Involvement

Learning to code: inclusion and digital equality for girls need a shift in policy

iamtheCODE is doing all it can to empower young girls, encourage them to learn to code and embrace a brilliant career in tech

6 ways leaders can actively lift inclusion barriers

Leaders currently face two barriers – not prioritising inclusion when faced with so much change and being unable to recognise privilege

Could fintech review stimulate greater gender and race inclusion?

A UK fintech review wants to foster further growth by training and upskilling the sector’s future workforce which is good, as long as existing gender and racial inequalities are recognised

Gender pay gap reporting extension could fuel disinterest in inclusion

After April 4, employers will have another six months to publish their gender pay gap data, this comes after they weren’t obliged to share data in 2020 due to the pandemic