Search results for: gender diversity

8 ways to accommodate people of faith at work

Equality for religious groups in the workplace is enshrined in law

Data analytics: Harnessing the potential of a more diverse workforce

Following a panel discussion at SAS Forum Ireland, Jennifer Major, Head of IoT, discusses why a diverse tech workforce is critical to the industry’s success.

The man legally trying to change his age may be a provocateur – but he has a point

Women in the Budget: Apathy lets down female representation at the highest level of business

How a culture deck builds a diverse and inclusive company culture

We need more empathy in the workplace

The Equality Act 2010 and reasonable adjustments

Demystifying some of the reasonable adjustments employers can make to comply with the Equality Act 2010 with Robin Christopherson MBE

The SNP “fair work” demand is a sign of things to come

The ROI of accessibility

Common sense approaches that organisations should be taking to their own accessibility and the accessibility of their products.

Extreme usability and the democratisation of inclusive design