Search results for: returning to work

The transport firm with a 5% higher female representation rate

Business Development head Sarah Bott breaks down what Passenger is doing for female inclusion

How to cultivate compassionate organisations: an antidote to pandemic trauma

Pandemic trauma is real and we have no idea how to cope with it

Why businesses need to give fathers more support after parental leave

Lynne Hardman, CEO of Working Transitions says new fathers need more support

The female entrepreneurs battling hard against COVID-19

The global pandemic has hit female entrepreneurs the hardest, here’s what they’re doing about it

8 tips on making your small business accessible to disabled employees

Want to know how to make sure your business remains accessible to disabled colleagues? Business Disability Forum’s Parma Sira has the answers

How can I improve my AQ to avoid, burnout, breakdown and boredom?

Embracing ‘unlearning’ can lead to breakthroughs and improve an individual’s adaptability quotient before burnout, breakdown and boredom sets in

MediaCom: diverse recruiting is the key to boosting social mobility

Avelon Thompson at media agency MediaCom reveals how an apprenticeship scheme is bolstering its work to improve diversity

Women in leadership: claiming the top with COO Alex Hatchman

Being a woman in leadership within a male-dominated industry is no small claim in the medical negligence sector

Diversity and Inclusion: the recipe for a perfectly made organisational cake

A diverse and inclusive organisation is like a fruit cake with the ingredients spread evenly and consistently throughout the mixture

Compassion from HR leaders is the way forward in times of uncertainty

As workforces around the world cope with the coronavirus epidemic, HR leaders need to bring compassion to their leadership.