
CISO: Why the role is no longer about working in ‘black’ and ‘white’

In the first of two features, we explore why working in ‘black and white’ is no longer an option for Jadee Hanson, Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) and VP of Information Systems, at leading data loss protection company Code42.

Britain’s top execs clueless about Diversity and Inclusion

Only a third (34%) of Britain’s top execs know what their company’s Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) policy is, according to new research released today from global executive recruitment specialists, Page Executive.

Women C-Suite ranks nudge up—a tad

More women are holding the nation’s most important corporate roles, just not that many more.

Women in leadership: time to remove the roadblocks

In this guest article, Rosalie Harrison, a partner at executive recruitment firm Borderless, explains why she now has a ‘women in leadership training’ trash bin. It’s time to ditch the baggage.

How inclusivity will grow your business

Growing your culture is key to exponentially scaling your business and inclusivity is pivotal to achieving this. When leadership create conditions for diverse thinking, the whole business can thrive.

7 Game of Thrones characters your business could learn from – part V


With the much-anticipated final season now over, DiversityQ takes a closer look at the minority characters in Game of Thrones (GoT) and how their diversity not only enriches the plot but helps those in power, stay in power.

Enabling more women to thrive in leadership positions in business

Roxana Mohammadian-Molina discusses what could be done to level the playing field and enable more women to thrive in leadership positions.

7 Game of Thrones characters your business could learn from – part IV

This week, as the much-anticipated final season speeds towards its conclusion, DiversityQ takes a closer look at the minority characters in Game of Thrones and how their diversity not only enriches the plot but helps those in power, stay in power – similar to what happens in the world of business.

7 Game of Thrones characters your business could learn from – part III

7 Game of Thrones characters your business could learn from – part II