Search results for: cybersecurity industry

Women: the cybersecurity industry needs you

Zscaler’s Kavitha Mariappan explains why women in tech need to build a personal brand, take a seat at the table and network

Why improving diversity in the cybersecurity industry can help solve its growing skills shortage

The lack of diversity in the cybersecurity industry is blatant. Digital Guardian shares how to overcome this undeniable trend

UST: Step IT Up helps solve the talent and diversity gap facing the tech industry

Innovative recruiting programme trains and employs underrepresented groups

Women are an untapped resource in cybersecurity

Intel 471’s performance-based culture promotes the best of everyone

Cybersecurity needs more gender diversity

Dr Lucie Kadlecová at CybExer is working on change the narrative

Cybersecurity needs gender diversity to combat threats

As cyber threats rise, we need more talent in cybersecurity and this includes women

How to attract more women into cybersecurity

Only a quarter of cybersecurity professionals are female

Cybersecurity: A petri dish for D&I?

Cybersecurity can be a rewarding sector for women where skills and knowledge are valued over identity, but you must be proactive, says Arcanum Operations Director, Jane Chappell

Has COVID-19 unlocked womens’ potential in cybersecurity?

COVID-19 has been devastating to many sectors, but not cybersecurity were women are feeling more assured in their roles than ever before. But more work needs to be done to get women into the industry

Cybersecurity leader Jane Chappell could be the female role model the sector needs

Senior cybersecurity professional Jane Chappell wants to encourage more women to enter the sector