remote working

Yes, inclusion must come before diversity – here’s how to make it happen

Mark Sawyier, CEO of Bonfyre, believes without an inclusive workplace, diversity, trust, innovation, and talent retention will not exist

Kitchin Table relaunches to fuel networking from home for women

Networking for women working remotely during the pandemic has been a challenge; now they have the Kitchin Table

Can you really develop and maintain virtual relationships?

Developing virtual relationships has become the new norm, and Tina Gravel says the world best get used to it.

Six ways to make working from home long term a success

As working from home becomes a long-term reality for so many, Silvina Moschini advises managers in for the long-haul

Working from home has started to create a “work-life blur”

Coronavirus has turned working from home into the new normal, but what’s been the impact on the mental health of staff?

From productivity to diversity, the benefits of a forever-remote workplace

As the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic comes to an end, the longer-term reality of the “new normal” is starting to take shape.

3 working from home myths: busted

As the lockdown easing continues, many businesses will be kicking their return-to-work plans up a notch.

Headspace gives free subscriptions to UK unemployed and furloughed

Global leader in meditation and mindfulness provides free mental health resources for UK unemployed and furloughed individuals

How tech companies can create the culture shift in a crisis

Tech companies lack diversity at all organisational levels. Free webinar focuses on attracting, retaining and keeping diverse talent in the sector.

5 business trends set to emerge in a post-COVID society

Virtual Fast Forward Forum’ un-conference’ sheds light on business trends likely to fuel the workplace impacted by the pandemic