remote working

Is remote working making women susceptible to unconscious bias?

Remote working during COVID-19 means many virtual meetings, where a number of women, including working mothers and women of colour are feeling less empowered during this time

Has male-female allyship suffered during COVID-19?

The evidence out there points to the fact that women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement, according to a new study

6 ways leaders can actively lift inclusion barriers

Leaders currently face two barriers – not prioritising inclusion when faced with so much change and being unable to recognise privilege

IWD 2021 – ‘Choose to Challenge’ sets the tone for progress

This year’s Internal Women’s Day theme #Choose To Challenge’ asks us all to analyse, question and adapt to achieve greater gender equality

Why homeworking shouldn’t be blamed for the COVID-19 mental health crisis

Workers are suffering from mounting stress and job burnout as COVID-19 continues, could the remote working model be the pandemic’s next victim?

Anxious or Anxiety?: The signs and solutions to the anxiety crisis

The pandemic has triggered an anxiety crisis, and psychologist Tracey Moggeridge offers tips on managing it

Will COVID-19 remote working culture bring more women into IT?

Female under-representation in IT remains a huge challenge. Can recent changes in working culture help organisations bring more women into IT?

8 ways that businesses can support LGBT+ staff remotely

The office can be a leveller for some workers, that’s why employers must ensure groups, including LGBT+ staff feel supported when working from home

Lockdown reveals employee confidence crisis

Workers are struggling with their self-esteem during Covid-19, but these issues are part of a longer-term problem

Organisation goes remote to solve journalism’s diversity issue

A mentorship scheme for journalists has gone online during lockdown. Will it help open up the sector to BAME and working-class candidates?