gender equality

Women’s Equality Day: assessing the gender gap in STEM

Over 100 years since women secured the right to vote, will it be another century before they achieve equality in STEM?

Why improving diversity in the cybersecurity industry can help solve its growing skills shortage

The lack of diversity in the cybersecurity industry is blatant. Digital Guardian shares how to overcome this undeniable trend

The other gap that no one is talking about

Data shows that women are in principle keen on investing, yet in reality few do

Women in leadership: claiming the top with COO Alex Hatchman

Being a woman in leadership within a male-dominated industry is no small claim in the medical negligence sector

The top female founders who secured the most funding across the world

Despite the challenges they may face, here are the female founders who are leading the start-up game from all corners of the world.

Gender gap between paid and unpaid work has narrowed in 50 years

More men are taking on their share of unpaid work than ever before, yet a gap still remains in unpaid work.

How to drive the cause of women in leadership in your organisation

There is a clear business case for more action to bolster women in leadership. Juliane Sterzl, VP of UK&I, CoachHub has some ideas

DWP Digital: don’t be held back on boosting workplace D&I

The best way to make an organisation more diverse and inclusive is to do it, says Joanne Rewcastle at DWP Digital

Why the gender pay gap is at risk of widening once more

As researchers warn COVID-19 could widen the gender pay gap, many companies show no commitment to tackling the gap.

Femtech Partners: opening fintech to women in South East Asia

FemTech Partners’ Neha Mehta is on a mission to attract more women to fintech, boost equality and drive financial inclusion.