diverse leaders

Challenge what “qualified” looks like, says Bloomberg’s Alia Shafir

Are tech firms rejecting candidates due to a set of “impossible criteria” which could be stalling diversity?

reboot: Believing you can change the world is the first step to changing it

Accenture’s Oluchi Ikechi says education, advocacy, investment and evaluation are key to breaking glass barriers

reboot. series: Be yourself, be authentic, be persistent

In this first interview, Invesco CEO Doug Sharp asks Ronnie Ahluwalia about the progress seen in reducing racial inequalities in the workplace

AIC brings diversity to investment company boards

The Association of Investment Companies continues its mission to diversify investment boards with the launch of a new online tool

Lessons all professionals can learn from hugely successful immigrant women

The three things successful immigrant women have in common that can propel any aspiring workplace ‘outsider’.

Bad boss? 49% of Brits quit their job because of poor management

Anyone could be a manager, but that doesn’t mean anyone should be. Almost half of UK workers feel unsupported by their management team or a bad boss

How to help diverse talent enter the boardroom

Failing to hire diverse talent into leadership roles is a commercial mistake