Search results for: young girls

Companies need to invest more in students, especially women in STEM

With almost 15,000 jobs being created in the UK tech sector, there are many career opportunities

Osborne Clarke pledges £500,000 to UK Youth to reduce digital exclusion

Long-term funding programme targets digital coldspots

The ‘#BeYou Summit’ celebrates confidence

Almost 150 Sussex Schoolgirls celebrate their success at ‘#BeYou Summit’

Why mentoring in the tech industry is so important

Pauliina Paynter shares her experiences and advice

Mind the career gap: supporting women in technology

Businesses need to be making real change to increase numbers

Women in IT Awards UK 2022: Larissa Suzuki tops the list of female inclusion influencers

Winners are using tech to help society, upskill diverse talent, and keep them in the sector

How to improve gender diversity in engineering and beyond

These five points can help firms diversify the gender balance of their workforce

Inspiring women to be innovators is imperative for our future

Low female representation in STEM leadership roles may be putting off the next generation

Temenos joins the Bloomberg Gender-Equality Index

Temenos’ GEI score puts it higher than the tech sector average

“If she can, then I can”: why on-screen role models matter

Diverse visual representation in the media sector can inspire others