Search results for: workplace equality

UK missing £47bn in pre-tax profit due to lack of women in top exec roles

For the 5th year running the ‘Women Count 2020’ reveals gender diversity at top levels of British business needs urgent attention

Diversity and inclusion is not just a tick-box exercise

Toby Mildon’s book Inclusive Growth details how businesses can truly implement diversity and inclusion

8 tips to support black colleagues during a pandemic of racism

Following weeks of anti-racism protests, organisations are being challenged with how to support black colleagues in the workplace

Japan Tobacco International announces new equal family leave policy

New global family leave policy for employees will span 81 countries.

Diversity fatigue: finding a value that resonates with everyone

Diversity fatigue describes the uphill struggle that equality, diversity and inclusion professionals face everyday.

50% of employees are unaware of their maternity/paternity leave rights

New parents give birth to increasing discrimination through not understanding the maternity/paternity leave rights in their current role.

No love, no diversity and definitely, no inclusion!

Love-based leadership is the key to unlocking true diversity and inclusion in the workplace, says leading expert, Yetunde Hofmann

Zurich leads the charge publishing 2020 ethnic minority pay gap figures

Ethnicity pay report just the start of a sustained effort to support ethnic minority employees at insurance firm

How CEOs, line-managers, HR and D&I practitioners can support Black colleagues

Listen, learn, act and self-educate—just some of the things you can do to support Black colleagues at work.

How to reintegrate furloughed employees in an inclusive way

Prioritise accessible communication, psychological safety and inclusive redesign, says industry thought leader Teresa Boughey.