Search results for: workplace equality

Blind job applications surge in drive for greater diversity and inclusion

Tribepad’s software sees an increase in anonymised job applications across the UK as awareness of the importance of D&I grows

Q&A: Opportunities and challenges for remote working during COVID-19

Lucia Saura Agile Delivery Manager at Global Payments details her firm’s changing work styles since COVID-19

#talkboutblack: so…where do we go from here?

Leading Fund Manager at LGIM, and a key mastermind behind #talkaboutblack, asks what’s next on the road to race equality in the UK

Terri Moloney, gender diversity in tech – and the work to do

Moloney explains that growing gender diversity in tech is an ongoing process

Tech diversity focus: Jacky Fox, Managing Director, Security, Accenture in Ireland

Jacky Fox, Managing Director, Security Lead Ireland at Accenture talks gender diversity in tech before the summit

‘Jumping the hurdles’: moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots

As cybercrime escalates, moving women into cybersecurity’s top spots could help according to an Accenture report: An Accenture Cybersecurity Forum
Women’s Council Perspective

Tech is a changing world, and employers need to keep up

Tech in the 21st century dominates human life, and Ana Gillan says the tech industry needs a new human-focus if it wants to succeed

Disabled people plunged into employment crisis by COVID, survey finds

The Government needs to act now to avoid a jobs crisis for disabled people, the Leonard Cheshire charity warns

WeWork partners with Foundervine to help diverse founders grow

The new Diverse Founders Programme is set to help ethnically diverse founders across the UK, and Ireland thrive

3 Minutes With: Lisa O’Connor, managing director, Accenture

Ahead of the Women in IT Summit New York, Lisa O’Connor, managing director at Accenture, spoke to Information Age about her part in the event and promoting diversity