Search results for: workplace equality

Why poor diversity breeds bullying

Non-diverse workforces are more susceptible to bullying

Leonard Cheshire and TUC demand employment improvement on Disability Pay Gap Day

Disabled jobseekers from Generation Z seem most impacted by the pandemic

A majority of UK’s ‘top jobs’ pay men more on average

Some job positions have lower gender pay gaps than the 2021 average, but this isn’t enough

Workforce inclusivity leads to better business performance

Diversity breeds success says Suman Gopalan, Chief HR Officer at Freshworks

Creating a culture of equity

From sticker solution to accountable action. Do businesses truly get diversity?

Law firm Browne Jacobson proves it’s serious about advocacy, impact, and allyship

The law firm has sponsored a networking event for Black professionals

Breaking down barriers to dated DEI strategies

Creating workplaces without cultural barriers is the aim of Collective

Black leaders in tech, now’s the time to stand up and be counted

Lord Simon Woolley wants people from ethnic backgrounds to believe in and act on their leadership skills

Long COVID: could it amount to a disability?

Aleksandra Traczyk, Solicitor at Winckworth Sherwood shares the legal implications long COVID could have on the workplace

Diversity and inclusion expert Steve Butler’s new book on building an inclusive culture

Butler wants to help leaders combat declining diversity initiatives and implement real culture change for underrepresented groups