Search results for: working women

Mind the career gap: supporting women in technology

Businesses need to be making real change to increase numbers

My advice for young women looking for their purpose in life

I get to create an ecosystem for other women to give them the opportunity to be franchisees and own a business

Will online courses help women get confident about coding and tech careers?

The coding bootcamp reveals four main concerns women have around coding

Women say age isn’t a barrier in education but appearance might be

Women more than men believe that equality and diversity training should be for all people

The STEM Gap – Addressing the challenges young women still face

It’s crucial we continue to tackle the discourse around women and STEM

Salaries fail to meet the ambitions of women of colour

Ambition is paying off for women of colour but wages are not

How Oracle NetSuite is breaking the bias for women in tech

The tech giant is accelerating the pace of gender equality in the industry

Celebrating women in leadership for International Women’s Day

Nearly 40% of board-level executives at FTSE 100 firms are female compared to 12.5% a decade ago

Women in Finance Champion releases recommendations for financial services firms

The paper includes four key areas for firms to focus on to improve senior female representation

Inaugural Women in Finance Summit UAE launches

The virtual, free-to-attend summit will explore women’s financial empowerment and much more