Search results for: working women

Emotional intelligence – the skill set of future Black leaders?

Black employees have high emotional intelligence which is desired in modern leaders

WIF Awards Ireland: the inspirational shortlist is here

Check out the shortlist of nominees ahead of awards ceremony on December 8

How workplaces can better support men’s mental health

There is still a long way to go in opening up about men’s mental health

Amazon Black employees have a significant friend in BEN

The Black Employee Network has been a source of inspiration to many

Lynette Wieland on breaking law’s class and cognitive barriers

Wieland believes the sector can be enriched by socially diverse and neurodiverse talent

6 reasons why the gender gap in investing is narrowing

It’s a brave new world for female investors

UK Cyber Security Council asked to help improve sector D&I in report

The UK Cyber Security Council has responded positively to being cited in the report

Tackling the taboo of Child to Parent Abuse in the workplace

Around one in 10 employees could be victims of Child to Parent Abuse (CPA)

Halma plc sets ambitious gender diversity target for portfolio

Halma wants its company boards to be within a 40-60% gender-balanced range by March 2024

STEM jobs scheme to make return to work more inclusive

The programme is remote and offers part-time job options