Search results for: stem

Making race discussions “a celebration of difference” in the workplace

1000 Black Voices founder Dr. Shaw says organisations have to get comfortable talking about race

WISE survey to quantify routes into tech roles

The survey examines the routes into tech careers for women and those with non-tech backgrounds

UK regulatory bodies devise D&I plan for financial services industry

The FCA, PRA, and Bank of England want to improve D&I in the financial services sector

Has the pandemic era changed workplace culture?

Critical conversations and company culture matter more than ever to new employees, says Barnes

How data is the prescription for better healthcare

Could a healthy dose of data provide an holistic understanding of people’s wellbeing?

Traditional workplace conflict resolution no longer “fit for purpose”

Formal conflict resolution procedures are costly and bad for staff mental health, says a recent report

National Grid welcomes disadvantaged youth to a week-long virtual work experience programme

National Grid and MyKindaFuture have unveiled a week-long virtual work experience programme

Accelerating women in the workplace involves the whole iceberg

iSAW’s five-year mission is to advance the careers of women worldwide

New study shows that social research sector scores low on D&I

The report found that underrepresented groups tended to have negative experiences in the sector

How to create an inclusive workplace for Long Covid sufferers

Is Long Covid having a debilitating impact on your employees?