Search results for: role models

DWP Digital: don’t be held back on boosting workplace D&I

The best way to make an organisation more diverse and inclusive is to do it, says Joanne Rewcastle at DWP Digital

How good leadership leads to greater diversity

Good leadership is the key to a work environment where diversity can thrive, says startup strategy advisor Tzvete Doncheva.

2020 Women in Finance Awards London Shortlist has been revealed

Want to know which women have been selected top of the class? Here is the Women in Finance London 2020 shortlist.

Actionable ways companies can proactively empower their female workforce

How to empower female workforces to be the leaders of tomorrow in male domincated STEM sectors, the Progress way?

One woman’s considerable drive to pursue D&I in the Oil & Gas industry

Lamé Verre, a petroleum economist, talks to Orient Energy Review about making a difference in the Oil & Gas industry.

Code First Girls: supporting women towards a career in tech

Anna Brailsford, CEO Code First Girls, highlights the importance of education, community and gender diversity in tech.

Time for change: it’s safe to talk about the menopause at work

Almost a quarter of women feel embarrassed discussing the menopause at work, a transition impacting at least 13 million British women each year.

How businesses can create a pathway for female tech talent

Claire Spalding, head of technology for Yoox Net-a-Porter Group, explores how organisations can create a pathway for female tech talent.

UK businesses urged to prevent presenteeism amid a COVID-19 pandemic

Why companies need to do more to tackle presenteeism amid coronavirus outbreak to safe guard milliona of lives.

How the tech industry can lead the charge on equality

How can the tech industry embrace equality? Nick Ismail spoke to seven women about their personal experiences to find out.