Search results for: racism

Government needs to keep pace with the UK’s increasingly diverse population

Will we ever see equality in the UK Government? Lord John Taylor of Warwick is both patient and optimistic

Certified Proud’s Liam Redmond on the difference between pinkwashing and real LGBT+ inclusion

Certified Proud keeps a strict eye on its member organisations to ensure they enact impactful change

The final set of winners from BAME HCAs 2021 revealed

The final four categories of the BAME HCAs 2021 and their winners have been announced

Respecting identity will bridge the diversity gap

The Women in Finance Awards’ Woman of the Year 2020 Marisa Hall discusses diversity in the investment sector and the importance of identity.

reboot: Be braver and call out conscious bias

State Street’s Ritu Shirgaokar says racial bullying is still an issue in the workplace

How do we make police workforce culture anti-racist?

Through review and data sharing a civil investigation could reform racial discrimination in policing

The impact of microaggressions explored in UK property event for BAME and LGBT+ community

LGBT+ and BAME staff shared their experience working in the UK’s property sector

Sewell Report says age, location and sample sizes make ethnicity pay gap reporting unreliable

Despite a petition to make ethnicity pay gap reporting compulsory, the report said it should be optional

Inclusivity is today’s marketing imperative

Although the world has moved on, marketers are still using the same outdated categories in business, putting aside inclusivity

Adaptive personalities essential for steering through technological change

Data is king and influences everything, says Tasha Jones ahead of this month’s Women in IT Summit USA