Search results for: pay equity

Halma plc sets ambitious gender diversity target for portfolio

Halma wants its company boards to be within a 40-60% gender-balanced range by March 2024

Amy Y Zhang on why asset management is the “ultimate meritocracy”

Zhang has dealt with sexism, but maintains hard work will help female asset managers thrive

Diverse staff will share personal data to improve DEI strategies

Employees from minority groups were more likely to participate in data sharing

United Rentals receives awards for being a veteran inclusive employer

The firm has a transition to civilian work programme and a military employee resource group

View the Women in Finance Awards UK shortlist here

The shortlist has been released ahead of the awards ceremony on November 24th, 2021

How to improve diversity in tech

As Black History Month comes to a close, AudioMob’s Wilfrid Obeng calls for the UK tech industry to fulfil its goals for inclusion

Black leaders in tech, now’s the time to stand up and be counted

Lord Simon Woolley wants people from ethnic backgrounds to believe in and act on their leadership skills

Making DEI your “strategic focus” no matter your sector

Culture and inclusion leader Dr Femi Olu-Lafe explains what firms need to know about implementing a diversity and inclusion strategy

Bethaney Wilkinson on ‘Instagram diversity’ and the base of the inequality iceberg

Bethaney Wilkinson founded The Diversity Gap to help people with good intentions for diversity inspire true culture change in firms – here, she shares her insights on achieving it

Talent Acquisition & Retention Summit Europe Edition: the impact of the “new normal” on this region

The fascinating summit explored the impact of the pandemic on employee satisfaction and how to keep them happy today and in the long-term