Biggest talent and hiring trends to look out for in 2021
ZoĆ« Morris, President at Frank Recruitment Group, shares how to embrace the new ‘normal’ in recruitment, ahead of our Talent Acquisition and Retention Summit
ZoĆ« Morris, President at Frank Recruitment Group, shares how to embrace the new ‘normal’ in recruitment, ahead of our Talent Acquisition and Retention Summit
Empathetic leadership, openness about mental health and refugee recruitment are just three workplace stigmas Maryam Meddin is tackling through her business The Soke
COVID-19 has been devastating to many sectors, but not cybersecurity were women are feeling more assured in their roles than ever before. But more work needs to be done to get women into the industry
Pearn Kandola wants to know what you did the last time you heard someone say or do something racist at work? Nothing is the wrong answer
Remote working during COVID-19 means many virtual meetings, where a number of women, including working mothers and women of colour are feeling less empowered during this time
Despite offering effective assistance for businesses and employees during COVID-19, the Spring Budget didn’t provide any information about financial backing for its upcoming “National Disability Strategy”
Women in their twenties will have to work 37 more years than men to achieve income parity
Ethnic minority representation on FTSE 100 boards is growing this year but “progress remains slower in the key functional roles of boards” according to new data from the Parker Review
Whether it’s moving from pandemic-era redundancy to running a startup or tapping into COVID-19 friendly products or services, women are using their resourcefulness to become small business owners
The evidence out there points to the fact that women want male allies in the fight for gender equality, but some men are less than keen to join the movement, according to a new study