Search results for: mental wellbeing

Why you should value your ADHD employees

Anna Jakielaszek explains why despite negative stereotypes, your ADHD employees could in fact be your best asset

How to tackle presenteeism in the workplace during a pandemic

Presenteeism is on the rise with employees feeling the pressure to turn up to the office at all costs, even when ill

Taking time to cultivate an inclusive culture at Allianz is paying dividends

Employee networks, executive backing and public displays of its commitment to diversity and inclusion are driving cultural change at Allianz

Family-friendly working: the untapped win-win for employers

Family-friendly working policies are seemingly on-trend but are companies getting them right, or simply paying them lip service?

How intersectionality is at play for women in STEM

Women working in STEM face significant challenges

The emotional impact of physical distancing in the workplace

Sudies show that physical distancing is having a toll on employee wellbeing, and so Brendan Street details what employers can do to help.

The diversity dilemma of COVID-19: why diversity and inclusion is more important than ever

Diversity and inclusion haven’t disappeared during the pandemic, so businesses shouldn’t be excused for thinking it.

How to support employees’ return to work after lockdown is lifted

Some employees may not want to return to work once the COVID-19 lockdown is eased. But how to support the mental health of those who do?

Employee burnout set to rise as lockdown fuels e-presenteeism

A data-driven approach can help identify employees falling victim to e-presenteeism in lockdown, explains TrueCue.

Sky Women In Technology Scholarship: A hero’s guide to gardening

Rachel Clancy, Co-founder of Tea Creature Designs talks about how the Sky Women In Tech Scholarship will help further her business.