Avanade’s gender transition policy boosts LGBT+ inclusion in tech
The policy offers paid leave to those undergoing gender transition and change of gender expression
The policy offers paid leave to those undergoing gender transition and change of gender expression
Diverse by nature, inclusive by choice. Hilton says no to pinkwashing
Microsoft join the likes of TikTok in supporting Black Tech Fest 21
Nicole Sahin argues that remote working is helping to level the playing field on a global scale
1000 Black Voices founder Dr. Shaw says organisations have to get comfortable talking about race
McKenzie-Delis explains why we must stop preaching to the converted on D&I
Membership of Optegra Eye Health Care’s ‘Be You’ initiative has more than doubled in three months
Formal conflict resolution procedures are costly and bad for staff mental health, says a recent report
The session offered delegates the chance to share their reactions towards bias-related situations
The investment firm has appointed Devin Glenn to a global D&I role